Antelope, the mental health drama written and directed by Ben Grace, has been accepted into Meglio Matti Che Corti, a national competition under the Percorto initiative program promoted by Dipartimento di Salute Mentale e Dipendenze Patologiche (Department of Mental Health and Pathological Addictions) in Italy.
The competition is held in collaboration with Idee in Circolo, Nonantola Film Festival, University of Modena, Ucca, Le parole ritrovate nazionali, the Forum Mental Health Association Rosabianca, EnnesimoFilmFestival, Corti-Vivi, Radioliberamente, DramaTeatro, vibrates and Supercinemaestivo.
The technical jury 2017 will be composed of a representative from:
National Ucca;
Arci Modena;
Department of Mental Health Modena;
University of Modena;
Association ideas in circulation;
Nonantola Film Festival;
the words National Found;
Forum Mental Health.
About Antelope
Antelope is a short film based on writer/director Ben Grace’s experience of being sectioned at Antelope House after a suicide attempt in 2012, and is partly filmed within Antelope House, with the permission and blessing of Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust.